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Oily Skin Care.

Women with oily skin often hesitate to face others. Oily skin contains mostly large pores and rashes and the skin looks dull, smooth and thick all the time. The sebaceous glands of these people, which produce oil in the skin and keep skin glowing, are more active. In the common language, skin oil becomes abundant when excess oil exits from skin pores. 

 Causes of Oily skin.

 This condition usually decreases when grown up, But in some cases it persists and other skin problems such as acne and rash may arise. It is a problem that can happen at any age and it is very important to know the correct reason for getting rid of it.

 1. Oily skin caused by environment.

 The changing weather is the leading cause of oily skin. Due to excessive moisture, excessive sweating from the skin makes it oily. To deal with this problem, take special care of cleaning the skin. 

 During moisture season, you can use reliable products such as gel, facewash, cleanser, etc. to clean face, which completely cleans your skin and removes all the unhealthy impurities.

 2. Excessive use of cosmetics.

 Makeup is a great way to hide large pomposites and scars, but excessive is not good for anything. In the desire of clean, soft and young skin, people use excessive pressure to clean the skin, scrub and other skin care products which later damage the skin.

 Makeup products activate the sebaceous glands of the skin. These cosmetic items usually contain oil, which makes the skin look heavy and smooth. Mostly, cosmetics available in liquid form make the skin more oily.

 3. Heredity.

 Oily skin is also found in heredity. If the skin of any of your parents is oily, then the possibility of getting your skin oily increases. Besides, if any of your family is oily skin, then the members' skin may also be oily.

 4. Stress.

 Nowadays people live in a stressful world. At the time of stress, our skin produces extra androgen hormones which is a major cause of oily skin. Try to be more and more happy and excited. 

 In addition, in many cases, oily skin may also be the result of your unhealthy lifestyle. Age, diet, suntain and many other factors can also be due to oily skin.

 Concerning oily skin is not enough to worry, you also have to work hard. Take some time to take care of your skin. Nowadays, many products, such as cleaners, are available that can relieve you of the skin glow. Also make sure that you are using them correctly to keep your skin clean, healthy and beautiful.

 If toners and cleansers are not getting the results you want, then talk to a skin specialist because then only he can give you suitable suggestions.

 As everyone knows, it is very difficult to keep the skin normal and shiny. Balancing skin oil can be difficult, but not impossible. So do not underestimate hope and effort.

 5. Hormonal imbalance.

 Hormonal changes in the body are largely responsible for the production of oil. In women, androgen hormones decrease in entire life, such as before menopause or during pregnancy. This easily encourages sebaceous glands to produce oil. Another cause of oily skin is hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances, testosterone activates the hormone in men, due to which excessive oil is produced.

 You can get rid of oily skin by improving your eating habits, keeping the skin well and often moisturizing and generally taking good care of the skin.

 6. Poor Diet.

 Correct eating habits affect physical activity in every way and there is also no production of extra sebum. You have often heard that the skin is also oily by eating oily foods but in reality it is inverted in some cases. Good oils like omega-3 etc. have an inauspicious quality which is a good thing for your skin.

  Sulfur is another mineral which reduces the production of oil and is found in fish, eggs, nuts, legumes, cabbage, onions and broccoli. Apart from being good for your skin, sulfur also helps reduce the causes of cancer, which is a very good thing. So increase the amount of foods containing sulfur and omega 3 in your food. 

Reduce the intake of sugar and carbohydrate foods because they increase the production of the seed.

 7. Sunburn cause oily skin.

 Many people have a misconception that the skin is dry from the suntain, while it is not so. The skin is dehydrated only when it comes in contact with UV rays for some time, but after that the skin produces additional oil to meet the necessary moisture and more oil is released from it. The skin is drying at the time of suntan, but in reality it promotes the production of oil. This process encourages the sebaceous glands to increase the production of oil to protect the skin.

 Prevention of Oily skin 

 Often, the cause of oily skin is related to genetic or hormonal, which can not be controlled. In these cases only steps can be taken to treat excess oil on the face. But it would be better that if this problem is due to external factors, then during the time, you can take measures to avoid them. Following are the measures to avoid the problem of oily skin:

 1. Wash your face properly.

 Wash the face at least twice a day. Once before sleeping in the morning and again at night. But not much because the excessive cleaning could cause the skin to become rigid. The use of warm or lukewarm water can also bring stiffness in the skin. Stay away from harsh soap and cleansers as they can also make the skin curly. Buy good and suitable cleanser for skin cleaning. 

 2. Use the right moisturizer.

 Moisturizing oily skin in hearing may seem a little strange, but it is also important to do so. Oily skin also needs to be moisturized, so that oil glands do not produce extra oil. Try to use oil free moisturizer and sunscreen, but do not use cold-cream or lotion removing make-up because they can make a smooth layer of skin.

 3. Eat well and stay hydrated.

 Minimize the intake of sugar, dairy and carbohydrate foods in your daily diet, because according to studies, these oily skin can increase the problem of skin. So eat as much as possible natural foods, fresh fruit and vegetables. If you are not taking enough fluid, then your skin may be rigid, which produces more oil. To keep your skin hydrated well, you should drink at least two liters of water daily. If you want oil free skin, also reduce the consumption of caffeinated drinks and alcohol as they are also responsible for skin oily.

 4. Take complete sleep and stay tension free.

 Androgen production increases only because of both sleep deficiency and excessive stress. Therefore it is very important to take full sleep at night. Physical exercise also helps to deal with this problem, although it can prove difficult to completely remove stress from your life. Take a bath to get rid of stress or practice meditation for at least 10 minutes.

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