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Chest pain.

Chest pain can emerge in many varieties, it can range from sharp prick to slow pain in the chest. Sometimes the feeling of pressure and burning in the chest pain is felt. In some cases pain starts from chest to neck and jaw, and after that, the waves of pain begin to feel in the sides too.

 In general, chest pain that is related to the heart is divided into cardiac chest pain, and those that are not related to the heart are divided into non-cardiac chest pain. .

 There are many different problems that can cause chest pain. In general, chest pains that are caused by some life-threatening condition are related to the heart or lungs. Determining the right cause of chest pain can be difficult, so it is best to carry out an immediate medical examination.

 Symptoms of Chest Pain.

 Generally, any disease associated with heart related to chest pain is considered to be responsible. But many people who suffer from heart diseases, according to them, they feel a vague restlessness in the chest, for which "pain" is not a true description. In general, chest discomfort that is related to heart diseases (such as heart attack etc.) can be associated with one or more of the following symptoms.

 * Feeling strained, full or pressed in the chest
 * Fast-biting pain whose waves spread in the neck, jaw, shoulders and sides (especially pain in the left side)
 * Shortness of breath
 * Cold sweat (sweating due to panic or fear rather than heat)
 * Weakness or dizziness
 * nausea and vomiting
 * Fast pain that lasts for a few minutes, gets worse from physical activity, and also keeps coming and going with frequent intensity.

 Other types of chest pain symptoms

 It may be difficult to know the difference between chest pain and other types of chest pain caused by heart problems. However, chest pain due to other causes other than heart problems is linked to the following

 * Sour taste in mouth or food from the stomach back to the mouth
 * Difficulty in swallowing
 * Strong pain due to change in body condition
 * Increasing pain during deep breath or cough
 * Feeling the pain of pressing the chest

 Some excellent symptoms of burning heartburn - such as the sensation of a painful burning sensation behind the chest bone - is often due to stomach or heart related problems.

 Causes of Chest Pain  

 Chest pain is not always caused by problems related to heart, but sometimes it may be a symptom of the following -

 * Angina - Blood supply blocked in the heart muscles.
 * Heart attack - Sudden stoppage of blood supply in any part of the heart.

 The difference between these two conditions is that chest pain due to angina often starts with physical activity or mental stress, and they recover after a few minutes.

 Symptoms of heart attack are longer than 15 minutes, including sweating and nausea and vomiting.

 Some common causes of chest pain.

 Most of the chest pains are not related to the heart, nor are there signs of any harmful problem for life. 

 With the information given below, you should know if these conditions may cause you to have chest pain, but to make sure that you get the advice of doctors for correct and accurate diagnosis of chest pain.

 * Gerd: It is a common condition in which acidic substances come back from the stomach to the esophagus. This causes irritation of the chest, and bad taste in the mouth.

 * Stretch in the chest layer muscle: It causes severe pain, but resting helps to cure the pain, and over time the muscle becomes healthy too.

 * Costochondritis: Swelling in the chest ribs (cartilage), which includes pain in chest and touching the ribs. Lying, deep breathing, coughing or sneezing cause its symptoms to get worse.

 * Anxiety or panic attack: It can last for up to 20 minutes, it can increase heartbeat, sweating, breathing and dizziness.

 * Lung problems: Problems like pneumonia and pleurisy, which often cause severe pain in the chest. The pain that results from them gets worse by taking in and out of the breath. This condition is also associated with other symptoms such as cough and wheezing.

 Prevention of Chest Pain.

 Pain in chest can be prevented in many ways - this includes the types of both cardiac and non-cardiac chest pain.

 Generally, those who smoke, they can prevent the chest pain by living a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle includes eating fiber and low-fat foods, and exercising.

 Those who are at greater risk of having heart disease, can follow the instructions and medicines given by the doctor and reduce the risk of heart disease and chest pain along with them. Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of heart-related chest pain. So by treating atherosclerosis, it can be prevented from crossing the piles.

 Like heart-related chest pain, the prevention of non-heart related chest pain can also be done by preventing the underlying causes of its pain. For example avoiding conditions that increase the risk of pneumonia, muscle strain, and trauma, etc. also helps in the prevention of non-verbal chest pain.

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