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The normal temperature of our body is 98.6 degrees F (37 degrees C). When the body temperature starts to grow more than the normal state, then the condition is called fever or pyrexia.

 Fever is a way of fighting the body's disease. Therefore fever is a symptom of infection. During the transition, our blood and lymphatic system produces white blood cells, which fight infection (microbes). In this situation, the temperature of our body increases, due to which there is pressure on our muscles and it starts shivering.

 Usually, our body temperature does not go up from 41 to 42 degree Celsius (105.8 to 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit). We all have to face cold waves and tiredness in the body due to fever. The fever can also be due to many other conditions, which is normal, can reach even a serious condition.

 This includes viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, such as ordinary cold, urinary tract infection, brain fever, malaria, appendicitis etc. 

 It is different from hyperthermia. Hyperthermia increases body temperature, which is more than a set point temperature. This happens either due to the occurrence of heat or not leaving a sufficient amount of heat.

 Types of Fever.

 1. Continuous Fever.
 If the body temperature is more than normal for more than 24 hours and this temperature has not changed more than 1 degree Celsius. This type of fever occurs in lobar pneumonia, typhoid, urinary tract infection, infectious endocarditis, brucellosis and typhus.

 2. Remittent Fever.
 In this, the temperature of the body remains above normal for the whole day and in this period the temperature does not change more than 2 degrees Celsius. This type of fever is seen in patients with typhoid and infectious endocarditis.

 3. Intermittent Fever.
 In this fever, the high temperature lasts only for a few hours in a 24-hour period and the rest is normal for the rest of the day. This procedure usually repeats itself every second day or in a few days. Some diseases responsible for intermittent fever include malaria, pyemia, and septicemia.

 4. Hectic or Septic.
 A high temperature, in which there is no improvement in antiparatics (fever medicine), indicates septic fever. 

In this stage the patient should be looked after and should be reviewed to prevent any fall in his health.

 5. Pel Ebstin Type.
 There is a change in body temperature repeatedly. It can take 3 days to increase the temperature, the temperature can stay high for 3 days and then decreases in 3 days. After that, the fever is removed for 9 days.

 6. Low/periodic grade Fever.
 It is a recurrence of fever, which lasts for a few weeks for several weeks. There are intervals between fever, in which there is no symptom present. This fever has a pattern, which can be caused by repeated infections, malignancy or non-infective inflammatory diseases.

 Symptoms of Fever.

 1. Adults and children in excess of 100.4 F (38C).
 2. Shivering, shaking, and chills.
 3. Pain in muscles and joints or pain in other organs (Rheumatoid arthritis).
 4. Frequent or excessive sweating.
 5. Fasting of heart rate or palpitations.
 6. Skin flushing or hot skin.
 7. Fainting, dizziness or slight headache.
 8. Eye pain.
 9. Weakness. 
 10. loss of appetite.
 11. Headache.
 12. Vomit.
 13. Diarrhea.
 14. being lazy.
 15. Runny nose.
 16. Sore throat, coughing, hoarseness of voice.
 Causes of Fever. 

 A fever occurs when an area of ​​your brain, called the hypothalamus (also called "thermostat", also called your body's "thermostat"), elevates your body's fixed temperature to the fixed point. When this happens, you may feel cold and you wear too much clothes or you clamber in a blanket or you may be pausing, which causes excessive heat in the body. As a result, the body temperature becomes high.

 The normal temperature of the body varies throughout the day, such as in the morning the body temperature will be low and the temperature increases in late afternoon or evening. However, most people consider the temperature of 98.6 F (37 ° C) as normal. Your body temperature may range from 97 F (36.1 C) to 99 F (37.2 C) above the degree, which is considered normal.

 Reason for Fever.

 1. Virus infection.
 2. Bacterial infection. 
 3. Heat exhaustion.
 4. Some inflammatory conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis.
 5. A malignant tumor.
 6. Some medicines, such as antibiotics and drugs, are used to treat high blood pressure (high blood pressure).
 7. Some immunizations, such as diphtheria, tetanus and eclipse peritussis - DTAP (acellular pertussis - DTaP) or pneumococcal vaccine

 Prevention of Fever.

 You can succeed in preventing fever by reducing the risk of infectious diseases. Here are some suggestions, which can help:

 * Often wash your hands and teach your kids too. Do it before eating, especially after using toilets, after spending time in the crowd, after going to an infected person, after touching animals and in public vehicles during the trip.

 * Teach your children to wash hands well. Put soap well on the front and back of the hands and then wash them well with water.

 * Always keep hands sanitizer with you. Use soap and water when you do not have it

 * Avoid touching your nose, mouth or eyes, because viruses and bacteria can enter your body due to these paths and can cause infection.

 * Keep your mouth and nose covered while sneezing or coughing and ask your children to do the same. Whenever possible, stay away from others while sneezing and coughing, so that they do not suffer from this infection.

 * Avoid sharing cups, water bottles and utensils with your children.

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