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Neck pain

Pain in the neck is a common problem. Normally a bad posture can cause stress in the neck muscles. For example, while working on a computer, the screen is tilting, leaning in the mobile for a long time, using a higher pillow while sleeping etc. There may be pain in the neck due to some medical reasons, such as arthritis.

 In most cases neck pain is not a serious medical condition, and in a few days it starts getting relief. But in some cases, neck pain can be a sign of a serious injury or illness, which requires medical care. If you have been suffering from neck pain for more than a week, which is serious or other symptoms are being experienced, then you should immediately check with the doctor.

 Negative pain in very few cases causes a major or serious problem. If you are feeling numb with neck pain, or the strength of the arm and arm is decreasing, then the doctor needs to be examined. If you are feeling severe pain on the shoulders or side, you should also check with the doctor.

 Symptoms of Neck Pain.

 * Numbness
 * Feel tinged
 * Pain in touch
 * Difficulty in swallowing
 * shivering
 * dizziness
 * Swelling in the lymph node.

 Neck pain is also associated with headache, facial pain, shoulder pain, and numbness or tingling in the side. And all of these problems often start by pressing the nerves in the neck. Occasionally the pain in the neck occurs with the upper back or/and lower back pain.

 If the symptoms remain for one week then consult a doctor.

 * Severe pain in the neck without any obvious reason
 * Lumps in the neck
 * Fever
 * Headache
 * Swelling of the glands
 * Nausea and vomiting
 * Weakness
 * Dryness
 * Tingling
 * Spreading pain in neck or leg from neck pain
 * Feeling unable to move sides and hands
 * Bladder problems

 Causes of Neck Pain. 

 * Excessive use, like leaning over the steering, for several hours, often starts stretching the muscles. Even some minor things such as reading on the bed or grinding your teeth can also cause muscle strain.

 * Like all other joints of the body, neck joint also starts to rub with age, which can cause problems like osteoarthritis in the neck.

 * Many times the neck bone or disc (when infected with hernia) encircles more space, causing pressure on the nerves that come out of the spinal cord. 

 * Carriage often causes sprain in the neck, because in this, the neck starts to blow backwards in front of the back, and immediately afterwards shocks forward. This happens due to high tension in the soft tissues of the neck.

 * The cause of pain in the neck is also some diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, cerebral fever (meningitis) or cancer.

 Prevention of Neck Pain.

 The pain in the neck is mostly due to inaccurate pores or the bone rub with age. To help prevent neck pain, keep your head straight on your spine. By doing so, the effect of the gravitational force will be favorable to the neck. Some common changes can also help in daily routine, including the following:

 * Keep resting from time to time - If you drive long distances, or work on your computer for hours, then to reduce muscle strain, keep your head bent towards the spinal cord regularly. Try to quit the habits like grinding teeth. 

 * Arrange your desk, chair and computer properly - Keep the monitor screen at your eye level, the knee level should be slightly below the clans. Use chairs with armrests (instead of keeping the sides on both sides of the chair).

 * Avoid the wrong exchange of phone calls - When you talk to someone on the phone while you work, do not keep the phone between your ears and shoulders. If you have to use a lot of phone, then use a handset.

 * Continue stretching from time to time - If you work at the desk, shake your shoulders from time to time. Drag your shoulders together and relax. To stretch neck muscles, turn your head around and turn your shoulders down.

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