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Nausea and Vomiting.

What is Nausea and Vomiting?

Vomiting is an uncontrolled involuntary physical process that exits the substance inside the stomach and out of the mouth. During nausea or jaundice, the patient feels like it is going to vomit, but actually does not vomit.

 There are many reasons for vomiting and nausea. This can be for children, adults and old people of all ages.

 However, due to vomiting in pregnancy or the treatment of cancer, the problem of vomiting and nausea may be common. Vomiting and nausea affecting more than half of pregnancies affect the morning, which is called Morning sickness.

 Some facts about vomiting and nausea - 

 Vomiting and nausea are common symptoms of many diseases. Problems with vomiting and nausea depend on the cause of their occurrence. Vomiting and nausea due to food poisoning, sea sickness, motion sickness and cancer therapies, etc., can be quite harmful, because they lack water in the body Might be possible.

 Vomiting can come in the body like waves, as the operation of the body starts acting inversely (like the contraction of the digestive system's muscles), it starts to vomit. Apart from this, due to the waves of vomiting, the stomach and esophageous pulling of the layer, due to which the stomach contents are forced to get out of the mouth.

 Many times symptoms of vomiting are experienced when taking mucus at the time of coughing and lungs, but it is not vomiting because the vomiting comes only from the stomach. Nausea is the opposite sequence of stomach and isophagus functions, without which there seems to be dry ejaculation without vomiting. 

 In severe condition of vomiting and nausea, medical treatment may be needed, there are also many medicines, which can lead to problems like vomiting and nausea, such as some common medicines that make the unconscious. 

Very few, vomiting and nausea can cause serious and harmful conditions for life.

 Nausea and Vomiting Symptoms.

 Nausea is often caused by irregularities, including:

 1. Stomach discomfort
 2. Dizziness
 3. Anxiety

 Often whenever it feels like the vomiting is coming, it seems that this feeling has come from the stomach. But in reality this control is mostly controlled by the brain.

 Often the nausea decreases for a while. Vomiting occurs when the stomach force their material out of the mouth. If the waves of vomiting arise after the content of the stomach and liquid ends, then it is called dry heaves.

 When vomiting is done due to dehydration on the body's liquid, then the patient's lips and mouth may start drying, and more thirst may also occur. The patient's urination may be reduced or the urine colour may be darker. 

 Indication of dehydration in children includes: -

 1. Drying lips and mouth
 2. Sunken eyes
 3. Fast breathe
 4. lethargy
 5. Dry diaper 

 Other symptoms may occur as follows: -

 1. stomach ache
 2. Fever
 3. Dizziness
 4. Fastening of the pulse (vein)
 5. Excessive sweating
 6. Chest pain
 7. Fainting
 8. Confusion
 9. Too much sleep

 Nausea and Vomiting Causes.

 Both vomiting and nausea are controlled by the same part of the brain, which controls involuntary bodily functions. The vomiting is actually a reflux that works on the brain's sign. Signs of vomiting are caused by many stimuli in the body, such as body changes such as odor, taste, various diseases, emotions, pain, injury, infection, burning sensation, dizziness etc.   

 Apart from this there are many other reasons for vomiting and nausea.

 a) Vomiting and nausea due to stomach and throat irritation: Problems like esophagitis or acute gastritis, due to problems in the stomach or throat irritation, are some examples of which 

 1. Infection: The cause of irritation of the stomach is often the infection, whether it is due to a common virus or any other infection. Pain in the upper abdomen as a spasm can also cause vomiting and nausea. Fever and chills may also cause nausea and vomiting. Due to infection with Norovirus and Rotavirus, or due to infection with the helicobacter group viruses (like H. Pylori), vomiting and nausea start to occur.

 2. Gastroenteritis: When vomiting and diarrhea happen together, and there is no other infection besides the stomach. (It is a completely different disease from the common flu)

 3. Food poisoning: Food poisoning can cause severe vomiting. The most common cause is the toxin released by the staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

 4. Other stomach problems: Alcohol, smoking and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen etc.) all cause irritation in the inner lining of the stomach. For this reason, there is a possibility of vomiting and nausea.

 5. peptic ulcers: These are busts that occur in the stomach, which can cause irritation in the inner layer of the stomach, which can further damage the protective layer of the stomach, which leads to vomiting and nausea.

 6. Gastroesophageal reflux disease: Vomiting and nausea are also associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease. It is also called reflux esophagitis (GERD), in which it starts reflux inside the acidic substance esophagus from the stomach.

 b) Neurological

 1. Headache: In this, migraine is mainly associated with vomiting and nausea. 

 2. Ear part: Mental sickness, labyrinthitis, menopause, meniere's disease, etc. are the main ones.

 3. Intracranial pressure: When the pressure of intracranial increases in the brain from any disease or injury, problems start to cause vomiting and nausea.

 4. Noxious stimulus: Often, any type of smell or any sound that affects the brain in this way can lead to vomiting or nausea.

 5. Temperature related illness: Some examples of this, such as increased temperature of the body due to exhaustion, excessive sunlight or dehydration due to heat etc.

 C) Other diseases and disorders that cause vomiting and nausea

 1. Stomach diseases or other conditions: There are many such diseases that affect the internal organs of the stomach, which develop symptoms of nausea and vomiting. These include diseases of digestive organs such as hepatitis, gallbladder disease, pancreatic diseases, kidney disease.

 2. Diabetes: People with diabetes often have problems with vomiting and nausea, because the level of fat in their blood stays abnormally and increases. And this is because their blood glucose insulin balance.

 3. Abdominal adhesions: The main reasons for the inhibition of intestinal tract such as earlier surgery and adhesions have to be developed. In addition to hernia, abnormal stiffness of the GI tract, tumor, inflammatory bowl disease (IBD), etc. are also counted for its main reasons. Sometimes vomiting and nausea can also be a symptom of any of these diseases.

 Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting.

 You can stop nausea and vomiting by eating a little amount of food throughout the day. This can also be prevented by taking care of these things.

 If you are experiencing nausea, eat high protein foods such as cottage cheese, light meat, and dry fruits before going to sleep (cashew nuts, almonds etc.) 

 If you are getting vomiting try to drink a small amount of fatty liquids, like fruit juice. Ginger soup or ginger consumption can also solve the problem of vomiting.

 Avoid drinking acidic juice like orange juice because it can increase stomach problems further.

 While taking a ride in a car or other vehicle, eat snacks in small quantities and the possibility of vomiting may also decrease if you look outside the window during the journey.

 Nausea and Vomiting Treatment.

 There are many ways to treat nausea and vomiting (regardless of age and cause), which can be relieved by their help. Including some home remedies such as:

 1) Home remedies for nausea: 

 * Just eat light and plain foods such as brad and biscuits
 * Do not eat more heavy meals like more sweet, smooth or fried foods
 * Avoid drinking cold drinks
 * Do not perform more activities after eating
 * Drink ginger tea.

 2) Home remedies for vomiting:

 * Eat little food in small interval and repeat it after 3-4 hours a day
 * Drink excessively clean liquids throughout the day, but do not drink too much amounts
 * Do not eat heavy food until the vomiting is completely closed
 * Relax
 * Do not take harmful drugs such as non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, and corticosteroids
 * To rectify the level of electrolytes, follow the rehydration measures.

 3) Pregnant women may have morning vomiting and morning sickness. Before leaving the bed in the morning, light meals and high protein food should be taken in the day.

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