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Appendicitis Treatment.

It is usually treated through surgery, with the help of which the appendix is ​​taken out of the body. Although some research has shown that treating acute appenticitis with antibiotics eliminates the need for surgery in some cases. 

 Normally, if there is a chance of appendicitis, then the doctors recommend removing the appendix soon for the patient's safety so that it can eliminate the possibility of its rupture.

 If there is a boil in the appendix, then there are two ways to get rid of it - one can remove pus or fluid from the boil and remove the second appendix from the body.

 Operation of Appendix (surgery to remove the appendix or appendectomy)

 Prior to surgery, antibiotics are given to the patient, so that the infection can not be done.

 There are two options to do the operation of the appendix (also called as appendectomy). First, it can be done as an open surgery, in which an incision is given in the stomach, whose length is 2 to 4 inches. The second option is laparoscopic surgery. This surgery is done by putting some small incisions in the stomach. During laparoscopic surgery many special surgical instruments are needed, including a small video camera.

 Normally the patient gets well after laparoscopic surgery. At the same time pain will be less and the marks also become less. It is better for older and obese people. But laparoscopic surgery is not suitable for everyone. Because the appendix is ​​torn, due to which the infection has spread out of the appendix or absent in the appendix, then it requires open surgery. This allows doctors to clean the stomach cavity well. After appendectomy surgery, patients have to stay in hospital for one or two days.

 What to avoid during Appendicitis?

 However, food is not the cause of appendicitis, but if there is a problem related to appendix already, then there are some foods that can increase the problems further.

 When a person is moving towards the symptoms of appendicitis, there are some things that can be prevented by keeping them in mind. If foods that affect appendicitis are strictly adhered to, it can be reduced to some degree of appendicitis and its intensity. All suspected cases of appendicitis should be done without delay by doctors, because if the appendix breaks due to swelling, then it can become a terrible situation for life.

 These things should be avoided in case of appendicitis or suspicion

 1. Alcohol
 2. Animal foods, especially those that are the source of animal protein
 3. Drinks such as tea, coffee and other carbonated drinks
 4. Canned food
 5. Fried food and fatty meat
 6. White flour and other refined grains
 7. Gases such as broccoli, beans (rajma, gram etc.) and some types of dried fruits (nuts)
 8. Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds
 9. Chillies and spices
10. Sweets and other foods that contain sugar

 What to eat during Appendicitis?

 Some appropriate foods have been described below for eating appendicitis patients daily:

 1. After rising in the morning, squeeze a fresh lemon into light lukewarm water and consume one teaspoon of honey.

 2. Include fruits and milk in the morning breakfast, full milk diet is better for appendicitis. But it is important to keep in mind that the contents of full milk can take the patient without problems.

 3. Lunch with boiled curry, lassi and corn flour tortilla can also be included

 4. In the afternoon fresh fruit and vegetable juice can also be taken.

 5. In the dinner, fresh vegetables salad, sprouted seeds and paneer made at home can also be included.

 6. Carrot juice, cucumber and beetroot are quite helpful for patients with appendicitis.

 7. Tea prepared from fenugreek seed, also makes the patient a very pleasant experience.

 Diet after operation (apentendectomy)

 1. When the patient begins to recover after surgery, he needs constant nutrients to constantly fight infection and increase the recovery process.

 2. During this period, diet rich in protein, vitamin C, and fiber should be eaten regularly. Where eggs are good sources of proteins and zinc, chillies get adequate vitamin c. And fiber, we get plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and seeds.

 Appendicitis Risks & Complications.

 The following are risk factors for appendicitis. There are also some of these factors that can not be prevented - 

 1. Age: Children and young adults are more likely to have appendicitis. The most risk factors are for those who are between the ages of 10 to 30 years, and there is no clear information available for this reason.

 2. Infection: If a person has had a recent infection in his or her gastrointestinal system recently, then the risk of infection in the appendix increases for that person.

 3. Injury in Appendix: If there is a wound in the appendix due to some reason (such as an accident in the inside of the body due to an accident) the risk of appendicitis also increases as there is an infection in the appendix.

 4. Reduced diet with fiber: Due to lack of fiber in food, there are many disorders associated with digestion, which promote the risk of appendicitis. Due to lack of fiber, especially in the body constipation occurs, due to which some stools go into the appendix that causes appendicitis.

 Complications of appendicitis.

 An abnormal situation occurs in appendicitis when the infected and swollen appendix bursts. If this occurs, the accumulated stool of the appendix contaminates the abdominal cavity, due to which peritonitis (peritonitis; inflammation of peritoneum - peritoneum is a tissue layer which is on the inner wall of the stomach and supports all the organs of your stomach) and boils can cause abscess..

 1. peritonitis - When the appendix breaks, the bacteria that emanate from them spread the infection by spreading to the rest of the body. When the infection is spread in peritoneum, the condition of peritonitis is generated. Peritoneum is a thin membrane of the tissue that covers the inside of the stomach. If peritonitis is not treated immediately, it can cause problems and may even be fatal for a long time. Treatment of peritonitis involves the use of antibiotics and removal of appendicitis through surgery.

 2. Abscess - These times, after the tearing of the appendix, it starts forming around it, which are filled with a painful pus (P). The abscess occurs when the body is trying to fight the infection. It also happens due to surgery to remove the appendix from the body. But only one out of 500 cases is found. Boils are often treated through antibiotics, but in most cases the pus is to be removed from within boils. 

 With the help of guidance of ultrasound and computerized tomography, the use of anesthetic, needle is to remove pus. And if any abscess is seen during surgery, it is cleaned properly and antibiotic is given.  

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