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Home Remedies To remove weakness.

Normal weakness or sluggish feeling is a common problem that many people face. At the time of weakness you may lack energy and become lazy. Other symptoms of weakness include excessive sweating, lack of appetite, difficulty concentrating and not getting enough sleep. You may also feel weak due to the lack of essential nutrients such as weak immune system, excessive drinking, food intake, emotional stress and very physical labor etc.

 Many simple home remedies can also boost your energy and restore your power. So let's know about home remedies for removing weaknesses -

 1. Banana

 Banana is a great source of natural sugars such as sucrose, fructose and glucose, which can give you instant and adequate energy boost. Apart from this banana has potassium, a mineral which needs to be converted from sugar to energy in your body. Fiber in bananas also helps in maintaining glucose levels in your blood.

 1. Whenever you feel weak, eat one or two bananas. You can also make a shake or smoothie.
 2. To strengthen your body and prevent weakness, eat a baked banana twice a day with a spoonful of honey.

 2. Almond.

 Almonds are rich in vitamin E which can make you feel energized and fight the symptoms of general weakness. In addition, high doses of magnesium in almonds play a significant role in transforming proteins, fats and carbohydrates into energy sources. Mild reduction of magnesium can be a cause of weakness in some people.

 1. Soak two almonds, one dried fig and some raisins in water at night. Remove almonds, figs and raisins in the morning with water and drink water. And then peel the fig, raisins and almonds.
 2. Also, keep almonds roasted with you and whenever you feel tired or weak, eat some almonds to get instant energy.

 3. Milk

 Milk is considered to be the best source of vitamins B, which is known to reduce the weakness. Apart from this, it is a good source of calcium that strengthens your bones and muscles.

 1. Whenever you feel weak, drink a teaspoon of honey in a glass of hot milk and drink it.

 2. You can boil two to three figs in a cup of milk. Eat boiled figs and drink milk to gain strength.

 4. Gooseberry.

 Gooseberry is a highly nutritious fruit that can improve your energy level. It is a good source of vitamin C, calcium, protein, iron, carbohydrate and phosphorus. By eating only one Gooseberry daily, you can strengthen your weakened immune system.

 1. Extract seeds from some gooseberry and pour them into a juicer to remove fresh juice.

 2. Mix two teaspoons of gooseberry juice in two teaspoons of honey.

 3. It should drink two or three times a week.

 5. Ginseng.

 Ginseng is known as a powerful antioxidant for centuries, when you feel weak, Ginseng can give you more energy. The calm and soothing nature of this herb will have immediate effect on your nerves.

 1. Cut a ginseng root into thin slices.
 2. Boil 8 to 10 slices in three cups water for 15 minutes.
 3. Filter the solution and mix little honey in it and allow it to cool.
 4. Essentially drink one to three cups of ginseng tea every day.

 Note: Ginseng is not suitable for people with hypertension.

 6. Mangoes

 Mango is a sweet and juicy fruit in which there is a good amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. 

Common diet is also an excellent source of fiber, potassium, magnesium and copper.

 In addition, the iron present in Mango can help in reducing the number of red blood cells in the body. In addition, Mango contains starch, which is converted into sugar which gives you instant energy.

 1. When you feel weak then drinking a glass of mango will accelerate the process of generating energy at that time.

 2. You can eat mango and also eat it. One spoon honey, a pinch of saffron, cardamom powder and rose can sprinkle on mango. Eat twice daily to treat weakness due to excessive blood loss. 

 7. Strawberries

 Strawberries can keep you energetic throughout the day. These are  filled with Vitamins C and Antioxidants, which help in repairing body tissues, increase immunity and protect against free radical damage. In addition, you get a healthy dose of manganese, fiber and water from strawberries.

 1. Whenever you feel weak drink half a glass of fresh strawberry juice.
 2. You can also eat or mix with other fruits to make them low calorie, high-fiber fruit salad.

 8. Egg

 One of the most important ways of fighting weakness is to consume a well-balanced diet. Eggs are full of nutrients such as protein, iron, vitamin A, folic acid, riboflavin and pentaphenic acid.

 Eat an egg everyday for feeling better at any time. You can eat Boiled egg or egg sandwich with a hard boiled egg or green vegetables.

 9. Coffee.

 Caffeine present in the coffee activates the brain and promotes immediate energy in you. There is no harm in drinking coffee until you drink it in small quantities.

 In addition to feeling energetic, it can improve your metabolic rate, increase endurance, improve focus and reduce pain. Do not drink more than two cups of coffee per day. More intake of this can increase the risk of anxiety and insomnia.

 10. Acupressure.

 It is a touch therapy in which pressure is used on certain points of the body to revitalize the body. Between the eyebrows, 1-2 cm in the side of the Lower Neck in the shoulder muscles, on the outer part of the chest, pressing the points of the width of the three finger below the navel, can get rid of the general weakness.

 11. water

 Due to dehydration, there may be fatigue, so keep drinking too much water, juice, milk or other liquid drinks to stay hydrated. Vitamin A, S, and B1 in fruit juices energize you.

 1. Prepare the beverage by adding glucose powder and a pinch of salt in water. Mix the lemon juice in it for taste. Drink as often as you need it.

 2. The mixture of tomatoes and apple juice can prevent weakness.

 3. Carrot juice is also a good energy booster.

 12. Exercise

 Regular exercise and simple physical activities strengthen your stamina and increase your muscle strength. The morning time is best for exercise. Warm-up and stretching for 15 minutes daily will keep you fresh and energetic. Yoga and meditation are also a great way to keep your energy level high.

 1. Sleep at least 6-8 hours.
 2. Take a break from everyday routine, if you feel very weak.
 3. Eat the right amount of food.
 4. Before going to bed or taking a warm shower before work, you can feel comfortable and relaxed.

 * Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so never leave it.
 * Avoid consumption of cigarettes, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco and illegal drugs.

 If you still feel tired after trying these remedies, then meet your doctor to find out the exact cause and get good treatment.

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