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Home Remedies to get Rid of Stiff Neck.

Stiffness in the neck is a common problem. Reasons for the problem of stiffness in the neck is due to stress in the muscles, pressure on the shoulders due to lifting heavy weight, sleeping in a strange situation, sitting in front of a computer or sitting in the wrong physical condition. Some other causes include anxiety and stress which cause problems in the throat muscles, trauma or injury which affects the neck and certain diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, brain fever or cancer.

 The main symptoms of stiff neck are pain and neck rotation, especially when you are trying to rotate in the head side. Many times, neck stiffness can cause headache, shoulder pain, or arm pain.

 Stiffness in neck is not usually a sign of a serious medical problem, but it can disrupt your daily activities and make your sleep harder. Lack of sleep can make things worse. However, this problem usually cures after a few days or a week. But even if you want, you can use some simple lifestyle changes and home remedies to reduce pain.

 1. Massage for stiff neck.

 Massage is a good option to cure stiffness in the neck. Massage helps to relax your muscles while increasing blood circulation. In return, it helps in reducing stiffness, it gives you better sleep.

 Take a hot bath or bath to relax your muscles. Olive oil, coconut or mustard oil heat lightly. Apply this oil to the affected area. Massage continuously with a light nap for a few minutes.

 If you can not massage yourself due to agitation, then get help from a friend or professional massage therapist.

 2. Neck Exercise for stiff neck.

 Exercise of the neck can be extremely beneficial to treat stiffness. This will remove the stress of tight, stressful muscles.
 Taking straight to exercise, keeping your body relaxed, tilt your head forward (towards your chest) and then tilt backwards (toward the sky). Repeat these motions for a few minutes. After this, tilt your head in turn towards your right shoulder and then towards your left shoulder. Repeat this process for a few minutes too.

 Now, without turning your body, slowly move your head slowly and look at the left and then look at the right, repeat this process repeatedly for a few minutes. Finish your exercise while turning the shoulder lightly.

 Note: If exercise is too much pain, do not do any exercise in the neck. To stop neck stiffness, go swimming regularly. Freshness of the neck and back strength is better by swimming. However, make sure you follow the proper swimming techniques and do not exercise more than the limits.

 3. Cold Compresses for stiff neck.

 Do not let the hair fall from the neck. This cooling temperature will help to calm the pain and limit the production of lactic acid (a sub-product of muscle metabolism), which can cause pain.

 Wrap a few pieces of snow in a thin towel. Hold it for 10 to 15 minutes on your neck stiffness part. Repeat this in the first 48 hours for every 2 hours. Instead of ice, you can also use frozen pea bags in the same way. 

 Note: Do not snow directly on the skin.  

 4. Heat Therapy for Stiff Neck.

 If you do not get relief even after 48 hours of ice-cold, then treat the heat treatment. Heat increases the flow of blood, which in turn will reduce the stiffness. Do the heat area for at least 10 minutes in the neck area. Repeat 3 or 4 times a day until you get complete relief. As a heat sec, you can take a heating pad, a hot water bottle, a heat sheet or a hot towel.

 Apart from this, stand in the shower and let your hot water fall on your neck for about 5 minutes. Do not rotate or move your neck while doing this. Repeat this action 2 or 3 times a day.

 5. Epsom salt soak for stiff neck.

 Due to the composition of magnesium sulphate, it can rest comfort from the neck stiffness. Rock salt regulates the activities of various enzymes and improves blood circulation. This reduces stress and strain in the muscles. After 48 hours of injury, you can start using salt.

 Fill with hot water Mix 2 tablespoons of salt in the bathtub. Now sitting in the bath tub for 10 to 15 minutes, your neck stiff body should remain submerged in water. Repeat this process 3 times a week.

 Note: If you have kidney problems or diabetes, then do not treat it.

 6. Peppermint Oil to treat stiff neck.

 Peppermint oil contains menthol, which helps to calm muscle stiffness in the neck. In addition, its analgesic properties help reduce pain and inconvenience.

 For a few seconds, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in the microwave and put some drops of peppermint oil in it. Gradually massage this hot oil on your neck. Do this remedy twice a day for a few days.

 Another option for this treatment is to add two stoves of peppermint oil in a large bowl of cold water. Dip it in a dry cloth, then keep it on the affected area for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat this action as needed.

 Note: Peppermint oil is not suitable for children or people whose skin is sensitive. 

 7. Apple Cider Vinegar for stiff neck.

 The apple vinegar contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that treat neck stiffness. In addition, it can help prevent muscle tension and pain related to the lack of nutrients.

 Soak a paper napkin in the raw, unfiltered apple vinegar and keep it on the affected area. Leave it for a few hours. Use this remedy twice a day until you feel better.

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