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Health Benefits of salt.

 1. Table Salt for Sore Throat.

 Sore throat can occur due to several reasons such as common cold, dry air, excessive shout or throat infection, but it can be treated with salt.

 Rinse with salt water helps in inflammation due to pain and sore throat. Salt works like an antiseptic and helps fight infection which causes sore throat.

 How to use Salt?

 1. Mix half teaspoon of salt in 1 cup hot water
 2. Shake well to dissolve the salt.
 3. Rinse with this solution for a few seconds.
 4. Do this at regular intervals for a few days.

 2. Mouth Ulcer.

 Mouth ulcers that have an ulcer on the mucous membrane inside the mouth can cause irritation, pain, swelling, fever. The condition is very painful as well as very annoying, but you can get relief from this problem with table salt. Rinse with salt water to help reduce the pain and speed up the treatment of mouth ulcers.

 1. Mix one teaspoon of salt in a quarter cup of hot water and stir well.
 2. Turn this solution around your mouth for at least 20 seconds and then spit it.
 3. Repeat this process 3 or 4 times a day.

 3. Foot Pain.

 It is difficult to walk after having a pain in the legs, people want to get rid of this type of pain as soon as possible. If your feet are having pain in the fingers, heel and ankle, then you can reduce this type of pain with salt. Salt also helps to relax the weary legs.

 1. Mix half a cup of salt in a small tub of warm water.
 2. Keep your feet in hot salt solution for 10 to 15 minutes.
 3. Dry your feet and gently massage your feet for 5 minutes.
 4. Make it once a day.

 4. Teeth.

 Salts also have the option of a very good toothpaste, which you can use to keep your teeth clean and free of bacteria. The particles present in the salts help you get rid of the dental hygiene. In fact, table salt is one of the most commonly used ingredients in oral care products.
 1. Dip your toothbrush into table salt or sea salt and then brush your teeth with it. 
 2. Do this at least once a day. In addition, you can brush in equal quantity of baking soda in it.

 5. Puffy Eyes.

 You can also use salt and hot water to fix semolina or bloated eyes. Salt will help in tightening the skin and the heat of hot water will reduce swelling. 

 1. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a bowl of lukewarm water.
 2. Dip the cotton wool in this hot salt water.
 3. Close your eyes for a few minutes above your eyelids.
 4. Repeat this process for 15 to 20 minutes.

 6. Insect Bites.

 Pest bites can be painful and itchy. To reduce these disadvantages, you just need a handful of salt.

 Salt is a great way to neutralize the poison of bee or yellow jacket sting. Due to its antiseptic properties, it immediately pulls the toxin out and effectively reduces pain and swelling.

 1. Wash the affected area with antiseptic soap and lukewarm water. In the case of a bee or wasp sting, remove the stinger very carefully before washing it.
 2. Place a salt paste in place of bite or stinger.
 3. Let this dry and wash thoroughly after 30 minutes.
 4. Repeat as needed.

 7. Nasal Congestion.

 For an adult or child, salt is one of the best home remedies for the nose running. Salt will help loose mucus, which will make it more expelled more easily. This will help clear the nasal pathway and breathe comfortably.

 1. Prepare the mixture by adding 1 teaspoon of salt in 2 cups hot water.
 2. Use this solution by using a leader post or other nasal device.
 3. Repeat once or twice a day for a few days

 8. Cleaning Silver.

 Table salt can also help to remove dust from silver utensils. It helps in accelerating the chemical reaction necessary to remove the dust. Also, it works as a great natural friction to wash silver.

 1. Take a large roasting pan.
 2. Add hot water to the pan
 3. Mix 2 tablespoons table salt and 2 tablespoons baking soda in it.
 4. Alternatively, you can also add 1 teaspoon white vinegar.
 5. Dip your fogy silver utensil in this solution for 3 to 5 minutes. For heavy silverware, you can clean silverware with an old toothbrush.

 9. Salt Benefits for Face.

 Salt is usually used in our food. But do you know that salt is not only for our food but also very useful for our skin and face? Let's explain how?

 * Benefits of Salt to remove tanning from face - Mix two spoons of honey in half a teaspoon of honey and apply it on your face. Take a while to clean it. If you do this at least twice a week, then slowly the problem of tanning will be removed from the face.

 * Salt enhances facial glow - Apply dry milk on the face without boiled. Then rub the face gradually with the salt so that the milk can descend. This will keep your face glowing.

 * Salt Removes the marks of pimples - Mix one teaspoon lemon juice in a teaspoon salt and wash it on the face and wash it in a little while. Keep in mind that do not keep it in the face too late because it can make the skin very rustic. By doing this experiment, the marks of Pimples on your face will be erased in a few days.

 * Salt is a great toner - Salt is a great toner. It cleans your skin in the interior by removing excess oil from your skin. For this, add one teaspoon of salt in one cup of water and fill it in a spray bottle. Spray it on your dry skin. Keep in mind that you spray it by saving your eyes.

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