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Amazing Benefits of Orange

Oranges are fruit which we love to eat. It is loaded with Vitamin A,B, and C, It also contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphate etc. Oranges can boost immune system, rejuvenates skin, reduce cholesterol and keeps heart healthy. There are many health benefits of orange lets findout in this article.

Health Benefits Of Orange.

1. Orange Boost immun system.
 Oranges are loaded with vitamin C which boost the immune system. There are many polyphenols present in orange that helps to fight against many viral infections. Orange provides nutrients like vitamin A, copper and folate which further plays an important role in boosting immune system.

 2. Oranges cures Cancer.
Oranges helps to prevent cancer due to its antioxidant compounds. Hesperidin and naringenin are two compounds that fight against free radicals. There is compound found in orange called "Limonoids". This limonoids fight against mouth, breast, lung, skin and stomach cancer.


 3. Oranges Help Reduce Cholesterol.
 Oranges are One of the best source of vitamin C. It also contain pectin which is a soluble fiber that eliminates cholesterol from the body before it is absorbed in the blood stream.

 In addition to these hesperidin is present that reduces cholesterol as well as the level of blood pressure.

4. Oranges are Good for Heart Health.
Oranges are very good for heart health due to its richness of antioxidants, folate and potassium. Antioxidants are especially present in oranges that protect the arteries with free radicals and prevent cholesterol oxidation.

 In addition, oranges contain phytochemicals which prevent platelets from sticking together and strengthen the blood vessels carrying oxygen and nutrients in the body cells.


 5. Orange Good for Kidney Stones.
  High vitamin C in oranges is also excellent for kidney health. It helps in urine to reduce risk of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones by increasing the level of citrate. Further it reduces crystallization of uric acid and calcium oxalate by kidney Stops the formation of the stone.

 6. Orange Helps to Lose Weight .
 Oranges are incredible superfoods for weight loss. High fiber & vitamin C of fruit Content promotes weight loss. Fiber does not allow you to get hungry quickly and helps to eat less throughout the day and vitamin C changes the glucose into energy and helps to burn fat. Besides, orange is a great low calorie and fat-free source in the form of nutrients needed for a healthy body. For good results, start your day with an orange.

 7. Orange for Eyesight.
 Orange fruits are excellent for eyes because they are rich in beta-carotene. Vitamin A is important for your eyes. In addition to beta-carotene, there are other carotenodes in orange, which are converted to vitamin A in the body.

 Carotenoid lutein and xaxathine are known to protect against chronic eye disorders. Apart from this, other antioxidants in vitamin C and oranges reduce the risk of cataract development and slow down the progression of age-related macular degeneration.

 8. Orange for Anti Aging.
 Orange is considered to be a good age preventative factor because it has antioxidant compounds that fight free radicals, which cause early aging and many degeneration diseases. Research shows that in this regard vitamin C, which is found in very large amounts in oranges, is an essential antioxidant vitamin.


 9. Orange Benefits for Diabetes.
 Oranges are low in calories and they can be consumed daily. It can balance your blood sugar levels very effectively. Therefore oranges are beneficial for diabetes patients.

 10. Orange for Digestion.
 The fiber present in high concentration in oranges helps you digest food easily. This helps to release digestive enzymes or juice which helps in digesting food efficiently.

11. Orange Benefits for Hair Growth.
Oranges contain some important nutrients that strengthen your hair. Helps in the movement of vitamin C scalp with bio-flannoid in oranges, which in turn promotes hair growth.

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